This weekend 05/18/19 9am-1pm!
Here’s your chance to get rid of unwanted items from your home, garage, etc. for proper disposal of bulky household waste & electronics that may otherwise be disposed of inappropriately. This year large and small electronics are accepted!
The Humboldt Neighborhood Association will be partnering again with Emmanuel Temple @ 1033 N Sumner Street 97217 on 05/18/19 from 9am-1pm
Like last year, there will likely also be a fantastic large growing free pile full of treasures for the community until the end of the event.
Portland ice cream company will have their famous future pops for sale! 🍦🍡
Suggested Donations of $10 will be graciously accepted at the event per carload please. As always, thank you all for your continued support of the Annual Humboldt Neighborhood Community Collection Event!
All are welcome!
Please feel free to contact Kymberly Jeka, HNA Chair, with any questions @ HNAnews@gmail.com
2019 Humboldt Neighborhood Association Priorities
- Revising HNA Bylaws
- Houselessness endorsements/strategies
- Fundraising/Neighborhood Activities/Socials/Tabeling/HNAswag
- Clean Air
- Neighborhood Emergency Team / Disaster
- Education/Stronger relationships with Humboldt schools
- Racism
- City Infrastructure / neighborhood developments
- RECRUITMENT: Increase/engage and support community partners / Incentives
- Visiting other NA meetings within NECN to begin partnerships
- Humboldt Park!
- Humboldt Neighborhood Permanent Sign/Billboard/ Mural Art Project
Kymberly Jeka
Friends & Family Night at The Chapel Pub for The HNA!
Come on out to Friends & Family Night @ Mcmenamins Chapel Pub right here in Humboldt where 50% of the evenings proceeds will support The Humboldt Neighborhood Association!
Mcmenamins Chapel Brewery
430 N Killingsworth, Portland, Oregon 97217
The Humboldt Neighborhood Association regularly scheduled (2nd Wednesdays of the month) monthly meeting will be this same night in the reserved back room from 7-9pm.
Please join us and support your Humboldt Neighborhood Association while getting to know your neighbors!
All are welcome! Hope to see you there!
To receive monthly neighborhood updates, the HNA meeting agenda & minutes from the previous months meeting please contact HNAnews@gmail.com
Kymberly Jeka
Chair | The Humboldt Neighborhood Association
“Real change, enduring change, happens one step at a time.” -Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Hello Everyone! What’s happening in Humboldt!?
Please come on out for an informative evening with a packed agenda full of neighborhood events and news and join in the community discussion.
This month’s Humboldt Neighborhood Association Monthly Meeting will be held
@ The June Key Delta Community Center 6000 N Albina Ave. from 7-9pm 03/13/19
This family friendly meeting always includes renters & businesses, as well as home owners!! Please email HNAnews@gmail.com to receive the Meeting Minutes from February, the new Agenda for the upcoming 03/13/19 meeting, and to receive future monthly updates.
We are also currently looking for enthusiastic members to join the Humboldt Neighborhood Association! Could this be you?!
Neighborhood associations play a vital role in representing the interests of residents and enhancing the local community. A well-organized association can have a significant impact on the quality of life in a neighborhood – this is particularly important as there is so much outside impact on the way our neighborhood is changing. We hope to become stronger and are seeking residents of Humboldt Neighborhood who have some a willingness to dedicate time and energy to make a difference in our shared community. We believe that increasing your participation will benefit the whole community by creating a positive environment of shared responsibility and mutual collaboration.
These are just some of the benefits of being involved with your neighborhood’s association:
• Facilitate achieving common neighborhood goals
• Provide the neighborhood with a common voice and an effective means of communicating with government officials and other instrumental groups
• Empowered neighborhoods can have input in events happening in their area
• Members take part in the decision making that affects their neighborhoods
• Organize and help members work for preservation and improvements in their neighborhood
• Planning and holding social activities for the neighborhood
• Organizing neighborhood improvement projects
Hope to see you there!
For the most up to date information please refer to both the Facebook neighborhood page https://www.facebook.com/humboldtneighborhoodassociation/ and this website
Do you have Neighborhood News or concerns to share? Would you like to be part of the Agenda? Please contact HNAnews@gmail.com, we’d love to hear from you!
Mark your calendars for some exciting upcoming Humboldt Neighborhood Events!
04/10/19 Friends & Family Night @ McMenamins Chapel Pub (https://www.facebook.com/events/411094179717863/)
05/18/19 The Annual Humboldt Neighborhood Community Spring Cleanup Event (https://www.facebook.com/events/464746310727965/)
Best, Kymberly Jeka
Chair | The Humboldt Neighborhood Association
facebook.com/groups/119778448144567/ facebook.com/humboldtneighborhoodassociation/
“Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.” -Harriet Tubman American Abolotionist
Hello Everyone!
The Humboldt Neighborhood Association has lots of news on the Agenda this month!
The February 02/13 meeting will be held @ The Salvation Army 5325 N Williams Ave. 7-9pm
We will hear from KOZ Development regarding the new 4 story building on Vancouver & Killingsworth.
e scooter & e-bike demo from Lime – Oregon
Humboldt & beyond air quality presentation. New and historic data report updates from DEQ.
We look forward to seeing you this Wednesday! We will have some new exciting announcements!
As always, all Humboldt neighbors are invited to participate in the community discussion!
Kymberly Jeka Chair | The Humboldt Neighborhood Association humboldtneighborhood.org facebook.com/groups/119778448144567/ facebook.com/humboldtneighborhoodassociation/
To join the HNA monthly mailing list, find out about neighborhood news, happenings, announcements, receive previous months meeting minutes, and the current agenda for Wednesday nights meeting please contact HNAnews@gmail.com.
“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” –Maya Angelou
Kymberly Jeka
Chair | The Humboldt Neighborhood Association
“It is every man’s obligation to put back into the world at least the equivalent of what he takes out of it.” ―Albert Einstein
Hello Everyone & Happy Holidays!
Drop by the December Humboldt Neighborhood Association Meeting @ The Salvation Army this month where we will be collecting non perishable donations for The Salvation Army Food Pantry located on Moore Street here in Humboldt.
12/12/18 7-9pm
Also the REACH CDC Adopt a neighbor Program is taking donations for basic need items (i.e. food, toiletries, cleaning supplies, pet food) – A true gift to families in need. For more info. please contact phaggerty@reachcdc.org by 12/15/18
There will be an exciting update from two artist in residents working on an exciting informative project in Humboldt that brings community and art together.
Please email HNAnews@gmail.com to receive the December Agenda & November Minutes and future neighborhood related info. The Salvation Army meeting location is 5325 N Williams Ave. Plenty of parking in the adjacent lot. Enter through the doors under the red awning.
Hope to see you there! — Best, Kymberly Jeka Chair | The Humboldt Neighborhood Association
“You may not always have a comfortable life. And you will not always be able to solve all the world’s problems all at once. But don’t ever underestimate the impact you can have, because history has shown us that courage can be contagious, and hope can take on a life of its own.” – Michelle Obama (At the Young African Women Leaders Forum, 2011)
Hello Everyone, Enjoying all those fall colors out there!?
The Humboldt Neighborhood Association wants to hear from you!
Please join us for this months Humboldt Neighborhood meeting on 11/14/18 7-9pm @ Neil Kelly 804 N Alberta Street 97217 Parking and entrance behind building off of Albina.
Meetings are always 2nd Wednesdays of the month.
To receive meeting agendas & minutes please email HNAnews@gmail.com to be added to the HNA contact list.
Check out many happenings in the neighborhood and beyond @ The Humboldt Neighborhood Association FaceBook page: https://www.facebook.com/humboldtneighborhoodassociation/
Lastly, if you aren’t familiar, nextdoor.com is a fantastic way to connect with your neighbors, and your community. To join, visit https://nextdoor.com/invite/mtsqadhtazdnutzawpxe
Thanks everyone for all you do and see you soon.
— Best,
Kymberly Jeka
Chair | The Humboldt Neighborhood Association
Alberta Abbey Neighborhood Party
October 13, 2018, 1pm to 10pm @ 126 NE Alberta Street, Portland.
The Alberta Abbey has a great BIG spectacular community event planned and Everyone is welcome! Don’t miss the new Alberta Abbey unveiling and all it has to offer the neighborhood and beyond. There are fun activities planned for the entire day well into the evening. The Alberta Abbey block party will feature food, art, performances and vendors from Northeast Portland’s King and Humboldt neighborhoods.
Come join the Abbey and King/Humboldt Neighborhood Associations for a day of great performances, food, and fun for all ages. Kids activities downstairs from 1pm, bands and food outside from 2pm, and things finish off indoors with an open mic and stellar lineup of artists.
Any artists, businesses, or neighbors that lives, works, or attends school in either of these neighborhoods can sign up to be involved here https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfhNdnFVsA0KpLHkTU89kL6p-hDWN9VGIiYx7G8TPRN3xB-tQ/viewform
September 14, 2018
Dr. Rita Moore
Chair, PPS Board of Education 501 N. Dixon St.
Portland, OR 97227
Dear Dr. Moore,
We, the Board of the Humboldt Neighborhood Association, would like to thank the PPS Board for its support of our recent series of community conversations regarding the possibility of renaming Jefferson High School. The response from the neighborhood on this issue was both impassioned and surprising. We believe that convening this dialogue has rekindled connections between Jefferson students, faculty, alumni, and neighbors, and has shed much-needed light on pressing concerns around safety and infrastructure at Jefferson.
Specifically, we heard repeated calls to prioritize several outstanding issues at Jefferson – namely, ensuring safe drinking water; eradicating vermin; and attending to ongoing maintenance concerns. These issues, the community suggested, are in far greater need of attention than questions about the possible renaming of the school. On behalf of the students of this venerable and revered institution, we urge the PPS Board to address these concerns in a timely manner.
Finally, with regard to the question of renaming Jefferson, the community expressed significant support for retaining the name of “Jefferson,” while also disassociating the school from its slave-owning namesake, Thomas Jefferson, the third President of the United States. This disassociation could include removing President Jefferson’s first name from the school’s official name, as well as removing the statue of President Jefferson from the school grounds. However, the community stressed that any action regarding the school’s name take a back seat to addressing the aforementioned health and safety issues, which are of far greater and more immediate concern.
The Humboldt Neighborhood Association intends to continue to advocate for and support Jefferson High School as well as its students, faculty, and leadership.
Thank you for your attention to these matters.
Anne LaBorde, Chair, Humboldt Neighborhood Association
Cc: Margaret Calvert Principal, Jefferson High School Richard Hunter, Jefferson Alumni
Sarah Steele, Jefferson Student Body President
Humboldt Neighborhood Association Community Conversation 01.29.2018
“Humboldt Neighborhood Association (HNA), with support from Northeast Coalition of Neighborhoods (NECN) hosted a conversation about “What is in a name”, led by longtime neighborhood member, HNA Historian, and Jefferson High School alumni, Clifford Walker. The main point of the conversation was to bring awareness around naming institutions after former slaveholders and other historic racist and oppressive figures. NECN & HNA reached out to community members, former alum, and extended contacts in order to get the word out to communities’ members who identify most with the identity of Jefferson HS. Although the discussion continues and has led to current students who like to keep the “Jeff’ legacy minus the “Thomas” part. In the end, it has improved to HNA building stronger relations with their neighbors and local educational facilities, and the momentum continues.”
Thomas Jefferson, More Than Just a Name:
Who do we choose to memorialize in our community? What types of achievements and behavioral characteristics do we place value on? These were the very questions tackled at the most recent Humboldt Neighborhood Association (HNA) meeting, which led to riveting discussion surrounding movement to renew a motion to renew the neighborhood policy stating:
HNA General Meeting, Novemeber 15, 2012 (original motion passed) – November 8, 2017 (renewed)
“This board is opposed, as a matter of policy, to retaining names of schools and other public institution names for former slave owners or others who did not respect equal opportunity for all. ”Clifford Walker, Humboldt resident and HNA Historian
The HNA discussion was focused on Thomas Jefferson and the local high school named after him. Many revere him as a founding father; the author of the declaration of independence and successful president.
Many, however choose to overlook, or are uninformed of his less publicized side. Thomas Jefferson’s behaviors and writings would lead us to believe that he was a proponent of white supremacy, unopposed to forced sexual encounters (when done within the bounds of his legal rights as a property owner) and was perhaps, one of the earliest eugenicists in modern history.
These starkly juxtaposed positions challenge us as individuals and a community to seriously consider what type of people and things we choose to memorialize. Thomas Jefferson is more than just a name – it’s a statement that represents a legacy, a belief system, personal ethics, and a specific understanding of the world.
These conversations are being held all around the nation and world. From San Francisco to Oklahoma City, India to Paraguay. There is no reason Portland and the Humboldt neighborhood should not be having the same conversations. The Humboldt neighborhood, and Portland as a whole have both led the charge in forward thinking. My experiences have proven that the Humboldt neighborhood exists as a city center for creativity and inclusion. If we wish to continue this legacy- I challenge the community to think twice before willingly sending their children, and tax dollars into buildings named after individuals who promoted the use of slave labor, violence, and championed white supremacy.
Who was Thomas Jefferson? Why was the school named after him? Are there alternative people or things we could name our community school after?
If these questions interest you or you’d like to get involved in the discussion, please join the Humboldt Neighborhood Association and other community members on January 29th at the North Portland Library to discuss where we go from here.
Updated Humboldt Neighborhood Survey Request!
(1) Your neighbors see Humboldt as an historic, educational center with walkable streets and easily accessible local businesses.
How do you view Humboldt now?
(2) Your neighbors value Humboldt’s diversity and friendliness, and want to continue community revitalization efforts so these traits are not lost.
What do you want Humboldt to be in the future?
Please take the survey below yourself, so that we can better represent you while thinking about a long-term vision for Humboldt Neighborhood!
For more information about the questions and your neighbors’ responses to the 2014 HNA survey, please see the ‘About Humboldt’ Menu Tab above and select the ‘Humboldt Neighborhood Survey’ from the drop down menu to see the results
Monthly Meetings
We are currently looking for enthusiastic members to join The Humboldt Neighborhood Association (HNA). Come to a monthly meeting to find out more!
Humboldt Neighborhood Association now meets every second WEDNESDAY of the month, 7pm – 9pm (No meeting in August).
This family friendly meeting always includes renters & businesses, as well as home owners!!
All Neighbors & their children welcome! (please feel free to come for all or part of the meeting)
New Meeting Location:
Neil Kelly 804 N. Alberta Street on the corner of Albina & Alberta Parking is located behind Neil Kelly and entrance is in the back from the parking lot.
If you’d like to be on the agenda, email us at HNAnews@gmail.com
CHECK OUT & LIKE OUR FACEBOOK PAGE: https://www.facebook.com/humboldtneighborhoodassociation/?fref=ts