We are currently looking for enthusiastic members to join The Humboldt Neighborhood Association!
We need your help to build an inclusive, diverse, sustainable & prosperous community!
Get involved! These are just some of the benefits of being involved with your neighborhood’s association:
- Facilitate achieving common neighborhood goals
- Provide the neighborhood with a common voice and an effective means of communicating with government officials and other instrumental groups
- Empowered neighborhoods can have input in events happening in their area
- Members take part in the decision-making that affects their neighborhoods
- Preserving and improving the type and quality of neighborhood developments
- Planning and holding social activities for the neighborhood
Neighborhood Associations play a vital role in representing the interests of residents and enhancing the local community. A well organized association can have a significant impact on the quality of life in a neighborhood – this is particularily important as there is so much influencing the future of The Humboldt Neighborhood.
We hope to become stronger and are seeking residents of The Humboldt Neighborhood who can dedicate a little time and energy to make a difference in our shared community. Increasing your participation will benefit the whole community, creating a positive environment of shared responsibility and mutual collaboration.