Each Neighborhood Association maintains an up-to-date set of bylaws. Bylaws typically provide procedures for electing boards of directors and officers, the structure of meetings including how meetings are run, agendas set and what is a quorum, delegation of officer duties and sub-committees, and how the bylaws are amended.
Additional Resources:
- ONI Neighborhood Association Bylaws Templates: Neighborhood coalition leaders and ONI staff have created new bylaws templates for neighborhood associations (as of September 2014). The templates are intended as guides to help neighborhood associations that are reviewing and updating their bylaws. The revised templates responds to many questions and issues that have come up in recent years. To access the new bylaws templates and other supporting materials, CLICK HERE.
- Oregon Nonprofit Corporation Handbook: The Oregon Nonprofit Corporation Handbook, 5th Ed, 2012, by Cynthia Cumfer and Kay Sohl, is a great resource. “Chapter 4–Writing Bylaws” describes the common elements included in most bylaws. Be sure to look at the section, “Bylaws for Membership Corporations,” that starts on p. 70. The Handbook also includes a sample of “Bylaws of a Membership Corporation” in the “Forms” section at the back of the book. (Copies of the Handbook are available at each neighborhood coalition office and at the ONI office in City Hall.)
For more information:
If you have questions or need more information about neighborhood association bylaws, contact your neighborhood coalition office