Neighborhood Parking Permits:
PCC Parking and Transportation office at 971-722-4703
ONI Crime Prevention Coordinator: 503-823-4764
North Precinct Liaison regarding crime issues: Steve Jacquot
North Precinct Commander: Mike Leloff
City of Portland
Graffiti Abatement: Marcia Dennis, 503-823-5860
Squatters in derelict houses: Sgt. John Birkinbine, 503-823-5792
Condition of derelict houses: Bureau of Development Services, 503-823-CODE
File a Complaint with the city about establishments that sell and serve alcohol: 503-823-3092,
File a complaint about establishments that sell and serve alcohol: Dave Luster, 503-872-5211
Oregon State Attorney General’s Office with difficulties around mortgage refinancing, negotiating with mortgage holders, or fraud over debt renegotiation:
Althea Rodgers, 977-977-9392
Illegal dumping: Call the Metro RID Patrol at 503.234.3000, or online at
Abandoned Auto Reporting 503-823-6814
Emergency 911
Portland Police Non-Emergency 503-823-3333
Portland Police Information 503-823-4636
City of Portland
Downed Trees (503) 823-4489
Mental Health Crisis Line (503) 988-4888
Sewer Repair Emergencies (503) 823-1700
Traffic Signals not working (503) 823-1700
Traffic Safety Hotline (503) 823-7233
Water Main Breaks (503) 823-4874
Codes & Ordinances (503) 823-4082
Fire Department — Info (503) 823-3700
Garbage Haulers & Recycling Hotline (City) (503) 823-7202
Recycling Information (Metro) (503) 234-3000
Sewer Rates & Connections (503) 823-7740
Water-Sewer Customer Service (503) 823-7770
Bikes, Cars, Streets, and Parking
Abandoned Cars (503) 823-7309
Bicycle Information (503) 823-2925
Parking Patrol (503) 823-5195
Parking Permits (meter hoods) (503) 823-7365
Parking Permits (residential) (503) 823-5185
Pothole Hotline (503) 823-2867
Sidewalk Repair (503) 823-1711
Street Cleaning (503) 823-1778
Street Light Out (503) 823-5216
Street Maintenance (503) 823-1700
Towing Info (503) 823-0044
City Forester (503) 823-4489
League Sports (503) 823-5100
Parks Information (503) 823-7529
Walking Tour Guide (503) 823-5111
Assessments & Liens (503) 823-4090
Building Codes — Commercial (503) 823-7303
Building Codes — Residential (503) 823-7388
Building Inspections (503) 823-7000
Building Permit Center (503) 823-7310
Business Licenses (503) 823-5157
Business Loans (503) 823-3321
Home Repair Loans (503) 823-3400
Parades, Runs & Special Events (503) 823-5141
Planning & Zoning (503) 823-7526
Sidewalk Repair (503) 823-1711
Signs — Commercial (503) 823-7304
Street System Permits (503) 823-7002
Water Permits (hydrant) (503) 823-7368
City/County Information & Referral (503) 823-4000
City Advocate (Ombudsman) (503) 823-4120
Code Compliance (503) 823-7305
Graffiti Removal (503) 823-4824 (Web Form)
Human Resources (503) 823-3502
Independent Police Review (503) 823-0146
Job Hotline (503) 823-4573
Mayor’s Comment Line (503) 823-4127
Metropolitan Human Rights Center (503) 823-5136
Neighborhood Mediation Center (503) 823-3152
Noise Control (503) 823-7350
Nuisances (weeds, trash, etc…) (503) 823-7306
Office of Neighborhood Involvement (503) 823-4519
Weatherization Program (503) 823-7222
Vehicles For Veterans Car Donation
Multnomah County
Business and Community Services
Animal Nuisance Guide (503) 988-7387
Elections (503) 988-3720
Land Use Planning (503) 988-3043
Marriage License (503) 988-3027
Passports (City) (503) 823-4220
Passports (County) (503) 988-4508
Tax Assessment (503) 988-3326
Transportation / Shops (503) 988-5050
Vector Control (rats, mosquitoes, and health related nusiances) (503) 988-3464
Health / Dental Info (503) 988-3816
Environmental Health (503) 988-3400
Food Handlers (503) 988-5257
Oregon Safe-Net (Food stamps, WIC, Health Services) (800) 723-3638
Teen Health (800) 988-9825
WIC (503) 988-3503
ADS General Info / Helpline (503) 988-3646
East Aging Services (503) 988-3840
Mid-County Aging Services (503) 988-5480
NE Aging Services (503) 988-5470
SE Aging Services (503) 988-3660
West Aging Services (503) 988-5460
East Disability Services (503) 988-3722
North Disability Services (503) 988-3479
SE Disability Services (503) 988-6030
West Disability Services (503) 988-3690
Mid-County Disability Services (503) 988-5480
County Library Services
Central Library (503) 988-5123
Library Reference Line (503) 988-5234
Albina Ministerial-AMA (503) 285-0493
Friendly House (503) 228-4335
Human Solutions (503) 988-5201
Neighborhood House (503) 246-1663
Portland Impact (503) 736-6000
YWCA Emergency (503) 721-6760
Civil Court (small claims) (503) 988-3022
Criminal Court (503) 988-3535
Family Court (503) 988-3943
Jury Service (503) 988-3170
Parking Ticket (503) 988-3776
Public Defender — Metro Area (503) 255-3600
Public Defender — Multnomah Co. (503) 988-3150
Traffic Court (503) 988-3233
Child Abuse Team (503) 731-3100
District Attorney (503) 988-3162
Domestic Violence (503) 988-3873
Justice Center / Jail (503) 988-3689
Sheriff’s Office (503) 255-3600
Support Enforcement (503) 988-3150
Victims Assistance (503) 988-3222
Oregon Homeowner Support
The site is run by a state agency, Oregon Housing and Community Services, and it provides information for Oregonians on how to avoid foreclosure.